It is also unsafe against most supers, which is yet another reason to (always) have an eye on the enemy's super bar. However, this can be countered by standing still (which shrinks the hurtbox horizontally) and then either attacking or walking up and throwing. This move can be used as a safe meaty against several invulnerable special attacks from the correct distance. Akuma's whole arm is completely invincible. Good damage, stun, recovery and priority. Akuma's whole arm is invincible in this attack.Īkuma does a crouching straight. Works as anti-air against moves whose extended limbs are vulnerable, but notice Akuma's body moves forward a bit, so you need some room to use it correctly. This move has very good recovery, reach and priority. This also recovers 1f faster than with the other shotos.Īkuma performs a straight punch.

This move has a not very good recovery, so try canceling it into some special such as the hadouken to avoid punishment.

Rapid-fire Jab that has very good priority (Akuma's arm is completely invulnerable) but just acceptable reach and very low damage. Fast start-up anti-air up close, with just OK priority.

Mash the three punches to increase your chance of success. They must be pressed on the same frame (like a Lariat) so it's possible to miss it. Now press start (the cursor can be on any character), and then very quickly after pressing start (you have up to 30f - roughly half a second), press all 3 punch buttons simultaneously.
There's no real reason to take this unnecessary step unless you're afraid you might get the code wrong and want to choose a specific backup character in such a case At this point, you may optionally move the cursor to any character.Finally, move the cursor back to Ryu or Ken.NOTE: you can move from Ryu to Ken and vice versa during that small period of time.Wait atleast 60 frames (roughly 1 second) Start with the character selection cursor over Ryu or Ken.To choose him, do the following at the character selection screen: Unlike his counterparts, Akuma is a secret character that requires a special input code.